Shaun Fogarty
About Me
Shaun Fogarty joined OSACO Group as a senior consultant in 2023. Shaun has a distinguished career in the corporate and public sectors, in particular working in high-conflict environments which has involved investigations into alleged war crimes and atrocities.
Serving in overseas diplomatic appointments has resulted in Shaun building an extensive network of international connections. Shaun was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his leadership in the humanitarian response to the Timor-Leste crisis in 1999-2000.
Shared values and humanitarian ethics drew Shaun to join the OSACO team.
Shaun has led security risk assessments for large corporate organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand. He has expert understanding of the benefits of organisational reforms and effectiveness in order to optimise strategic focus and operational delivery.
Key skills: Strategic focus, politically savvy, coach and investigator.