OSACO Group’s Abidjan hub in Cote d’Ivoire expands post-opening

OSACO Group new Africa hub office in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire has grown rapidly since its September official opening with the addition of eight new consultants to its team.
Established in 2013, OSACO Group has established a global reputation for its work in compliance, governance, safeguarding, and workplace investigations.
Since the official opening of its new Africa office two months ago, OSACO Group Co-Founder and Global Managing Director Jaydene Buckley and OSACO Africa Director Alfred Zebi have recruited several additional West Africa-based consultants, including a former judge and experienced local investigators.
“We are very excited about the excellent team that we are building in Cote d’Ivoire ably led by Alfred Zebi,” says Mrs Buckley. “There has been a high level of local and regional interest shown in working with OSACO from both the private and public sector, and our team needs to grow to support the range of services we offer.
“Cote d’Ivoire businesses and organisations know that there has never been a more important time for them to put integrity and transparency at the heart of everything they do.
“Working with an experienced organisation like ours, businesses and organisations in Cote d’Ivoire and Africa as a whole can be profitable and ethical, and will be well placed for the regulatory and compliance requirements of global supply chains.”
OSACO Group’s growth in West Africa is founded on collaborating with and supporting locally-based consultants with existing knowledge of living and working in the region, says Mrs Buckley.
“Our team is multilingual and able to be deployed as needed. That allows us to be responsive and to work proactively and reactively as required.”