Welcome to
OSACO Africa

OSACO Africa SARL is part of OSACO Group Ltd.
OSACO Group’s team of global experts work with you and your organisation to anticipate, mitigate, and react to the impacts of human risk factors.
Human risk factors are human behaviours that can adversely affect the integrity and effectiveness of businesses and institutions of all types.
OSACO Africa knows what to do to proactively and reactively respond to human risk factors.
Why managing human risk factors matters
All organisations are vulnerable to human risk factors and hidden weaknesses in their organisational culture that can impact adversely on reputation and organisational purpose.
You might say you are ethical, transparent, and accountable, but that has to be proven not just by what you do, but how you do it.
When you don’t effectively manage human risks it impacts on your
Business partners
Staff confidence
A wide range of specialist services
OSACO Group was established to meet the growing global demand for experienced investigators and compliance and risk management specialists.
It has since developed a wide range of services which it delivers around the world to clients in the corporate sector, the humanitarian and development aid sector, the international sports sector, and the finance sector.
An extensive global network
In addition to its permanent management team and associates, OSACO Group draws on the skills and experience of an extensive global network of specialists, enabling it to respond quickly and effectively to the diverse needs of its clients.
Contact OSACO Africa
You can speak to us in confidence any time.